Wednesday, January 2, 2008

December is the time of year I tentatively ponder and reflect upon the previous years' accomplishments, challenges and major events, creating a family newsletter that I share with friends and family in our greeting card. This year was particularly difficult to recall since my main focus had been channelled at building my lia sophia business, and not on my family. Life during 2007 had been much more stressful and rewarding than I could have ever imagined.

Early in the year I attended a lia sophia jewelry show with my sister as her guest. We had recently received our income tax refund, and I had decided some of that money was going to be designated for pampering or rewarding myself for all that I do as a stay at home mom. Although I had not met this specific Advisor previously, I was immediately drawn to her and felt as if we had known each other for ages. The Advisor talked about the numerous benefits lia sophia provides, but what really caught my attention was the trip incentive to Hawaii. I was shocked that anyone could earn this trip for FREE, not to mention the money and jewelry as well.

She made the opportunity sound like the perfect dream career, which at the time I thought was perfect for my sister and mother - who both loved the jewelry more than myself. This Advisor was positive, fun, outgoing with an aurora of charisma that charmed the pants off me. I decided to book a show for the FREE jewelry as a Hostess and talk more with my sister and mother about the opportunity.

I told my Advisor that I didn't want to make those dreaded phone calls reminding my guests about the Show date & time, to which she gratefully did not push. Ultimately, I had only 5 guests attend, but was somehow able to close with an $1,100.00 show. By this time my mother had decided that yes she was ready to take the leap and give lia sophia a try. My sister resisted, claiming she had too much on her plate to try something new right now. But the fact that my mother was giving this a shot made me stop and think: why not me too? My mother - who was panic stricken at the slightest thought of speaking in front of others - if she could do this, then surely I could too! Money, jewelry, fun - how hard could this be?

My mother and I decided to join together. One of the toughest decisions was deciding who would join where amongst the level of Advisors. We could both sign up on the same level, or as a recruit of the other. Who would get the recruit? Who would be the recruiter? Fortunately our upline laid explained the ramifications for us very clearly and we both understood what we were choosing to do. My mother would be my recruiter, and I would be the recruitee. At first this seemed logical, but when issues began to arise as to who was interested more in working the business, we quickly discovered that I was the more seriously determined individual.

My Starter Show was about six weeks following my first show, and although I invited nearly 100 friends and family members, only six guests attended. Fortunately some of those were personal friends of my sister's who showed on her behalf. And again I was blessed to have another $1,000 show and build my kit with the hostess benefits of jewelry. My first "Show" didn't actually happen until four weeks later, and was only possible because I twisted a friend's arm to do a fundraiser for her in home daycare center.

After about six months my mother chose to become inactive and says that she will sign-up under me when her contract expires, allowing me the benefit of an additional recruit! While it lasted, I enjoyed sharing the passion of the lia sophia business with my mother. We would attend the team meetings together and I felt a strong connection with her that had been absent for quite some time. I loved to see her smile and hear her laughter. The team was a close bunch of women with similar goals who shared a beautiful bond of friendship. I highly valued the social network and personal involvement that revitalized my spirit and renewed my energy.

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